Hello Beloved,
For those of you who would take your precious time to come
to this website and read some of what is written here-in whole or in part, I just wanted to set aside space so you can know
what I believe-or as some say, my statement of faith. I do not promote denominations, or debate doctrines or preferences.
If you read His Word, with desire to know Him, He will teach you, given opportunity. I simply love the Lord, and His unimaginably
precious Word. I was saved 6 years ago come this February 25. I do not believe in lifting up man or flesh, because only the
Lord can transform and change and help people. When I do find a CHRIST-centered ministry, and recommend it, then it will be
for one reason: the preaching is truly anointed, (a much abused and misused word in religious circles) and if it's really
anointed, it's going to convict, humble, and draw people to want more of Jesus Christ and it will expose their own shortcomings,
or any hidden sin. It will confront any thing in you that is not like Christ and expose it as unclean. It will be a ministry
that offers free resources and not trying to make a buck off the Name and Word of the Lord. It's not going to draw those to
the man behind the pulpit-but to the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity. To me, that is what anointing means. It destroys
sin, and bondage, and liberates one to truly live the life of Jesus Christ-and that is the life of having a servant's heart,
and the Master's Agenda.
Reason for This Website:
I cannot say that God
told me to start "Knowing HIM", or the sister site, "It's About HIM". If I said that, it would be a lie. These sites were
started out of a love for the Lord and His Word, and a desire to share what I learn. I have shared with some close to me the
notes that I made of my personal Bible Study and they expressed a hunger for more, and seemed to be blessed by what they read
in my notes. In sharing, my only desire for those who hear me is that what they hear from me will provoke a hunger in them
to draw closer to HIM. For HE ONLY has the Word of Life. I do not want attention, I do not expect a pat on the back, or publicity.
I am constantly wary of myself, and my prayer is Lord, please help me not to misrepresent you, not to copy someone else's
message, and not to get it wrong. I prefer to stay in the background unnoticed except by the One I love and serve. TO HIM
be the glory, the spotlight, the credit, and all thanks and gratitude. IT is about HIM-I am just a servant who never wants
to be released from her Master. He is everything. Without HIM I am nothing.
I believe the Holy Bible
was inspired as the Holy Ghost moved on HOLY men who were fully submitted and devoted to God and His plan. I believe He is
a Mighty God who has carefully guarded the integrity of His Word as it has been translated down through out the passing of
time into different languages. I believe in the integrity and purity of His Word. I believe that one must be born again, of
the Spirit of God, and get in this precious Word and get to know Him for themselves. I believe in a practical walk of holiness,
separation from the world. I believe it is the job of the HOLY GHOST to teach the children of God about how they should dress,
behave, talk, and live; about their lifestyle habits, conversation, behavior. I believe older children of God who have been
taught thus should set the example for the younger ones. If newborn babes in Christ walk in the Sanctuary and see the older
Christians chatting, taking the things of God lightly, and not displaying reverence, or fear of the Lord, then how does that
affect and shape who they will become? If sinners walk in the church and see no reverence or fear of God among His own, how
will they be affected in their sins? They surely won't be convicted or in fear for their soul because if they see US, HIS
BODY, not displaying reverence and fear of the Lord, not instilling discipline and self-control in our children, to behave
in His House, why should they? How can they?
I believe in the availability
and necessity of communion with the Holy Ghost, who is the One who teaches us who Jesus is-and that revelation is one the
church is in great need of. I believe that Jesus is coming back in what some call the "rapture" for His Bride- a set apart,
blood washed, blood bought people who have forsaken the ways and wisdom of the world and devoted themselves to HIM for HIM
and by HIM. I believe in the 7 year tribulation, that all those left behind after the rapture will face. I do not believe
in making merchandise out of the name of the Lord, or His people. I believe we need His help daily to walk a holy walk and
we must not continue in sin. I do not believe in the false "prosperity" gospel or that you have to sin every day. I do not
believe once saved always saved. I believe if you walk in disobedience to the Word and don't take time to read it for yourself,
if you continue in sin, and defile what God has cleansed, His Spirit will depart from a rebellious temple, just as He did
from king Saul in 1 Samuel. I don't believe in playing church or misrepresenting what you believe or how you live. The Word
of God is the FINAL Authority for every Believer who is born again who determines to go to heaven. God never promised us an
easy, comfortable ride. But He did promise us everything we needed to live holy, and partake of HIM and He promised He'd never
leave us or forsake us. I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and the gifts of the Spirit. Sad to say, I have not seen
very many of either one happen in the church. But my eyes are ever toward HIM, for only He can be my Source. I believe if
you are not getting what you need at church to grow spiritually then you need to get alone daily with the Lord and learn what
the problem is. If it's with you, let God help you. If it's with carnality in the church, pray for Divine Intervention. God
promised constant guidance and instruction to His Children. (Psalms 32:8) He is no respecter of persons. He doesn't wink at
sin or unbelief, or irreverence in His Sanctuary to those who know better or should. I believe in standards laid out in the
Bible for those who preach His Word.
In closing, let me just
say thank you, if you have taken time out to read this. I am not a preacher or teacher, except by the life I live and example
I set forth before others. Actions speak louder than words. I do love the Word of God, and desire to know Him more. That is
why I read His Word- to know Him, and to know truth, because I do not want to be deceived. I KNOW in these last days without
HIS Word in us to hold us up, we will be in a dangerous position. It's not what we see or hear that matters as much as what
HE SAYS that counts and will stand. We need Divine HELP to stop living by sight and sound and start walking by faith. If HE
is in us, then we need to dig into His Word and find out what He said His house, or his temple is to be: a house of prayer,
holy, separate, and clean, set apart for Him and His service, first to HIM and then to those around us. We are called to serve
others, not self. But our first priority must be to HIM. For you, who take time to come here, when time is seeming in short
supply with todays' busy lifestyles, my prayer and hope is that you will be edified, and provoked to follow on to seek HIM
and know HIM. For in HIM we move and have our being. It's not about us, folks. It's all about HIM.
Securely, In Christ,
and so privileged to
Kathleen Maples
Oct. 2, 2006